Memeo AutoBackup 3.0 is a powerful yet easy to use backup application that allows you to preserve your files in various locations according to their value and purpose. With this incredible program you can choose to back up items to any folder on any computer on your network, an external hard drive, a removable storage device, or a server on the Internet. What is great about this utility is that it keeps as many versions of the file as you choose, so you can revert to a previous version of the file or see how a file has changed over time. What is more, Memeo AutoBackup can encrypt your files if you want, so no one else can read them without your permission. Moreover, the program features a very simple and intuitive user interface that makes your work easier and quicker. You just have to specify the files that you want to back up and the program does the rest for you. Then, the application backs up your files only when they change or when new files that fit your backup plans are created. In addition to this, you also can use the program to upload your favorite photos to Shutterfly online photo service.